Feeling the pressure to launch “perfectly”, Abbey was stuck in a cycle of panic and self doubt. With group coaching she defined her style and the roadmap to success on her terms:
“I felt so much pressure to make my launch perfect. I had big goals, but NO direction to achieve them or create my own structure for success.
Cut to me in pure panic mode, and the never ending spiral of self doubt.
I was worried I wasn’t capable of keeping up with the other high end businesses I see Krista supporting, but I quickly built confidence. And I loved the personal connection and collaborative aspect of the program.
Since we worked together everything has changed! My confidence, my sense of direction. So excited about building my website and expanding my design skills.
Thanks to DYDWB I’m excited to define my style and dive into it. I’ve realized I don’t have to be the wedding planner for everyone. There’s power in narrowing down.
My business is coming to life in a way I never dreamed of!
Krista is the wedding bestie hype girl you’ve been wishing for. I can never thank her enough, for all the direction, support and this gift of confidence. XOXOXO.”