Going alone, Jaycie felt like she was drowning. In DYDWB she built a business she’s proud of:
“On my own I felt lost and overwhelmed. I didn’t know how to connect with my Ideal Client, let alone who that even was. I felt like I was drowning, and this wasn’t fun anymore.
Like always, I wondered if this would be worth it. Would I be wasting money? Or learn nothing.
Already, I’ve seen a drastic change in my business. I am actually so proud and want to show it off to everyone!
I learned even more than I expected in Design Your Dream Wedding Business. This felt like having a friend and mentor walking me through.
Website strategy was my biggest takeaway, along with branding my business with my client’s likes in mind, more than my own preferences. I’m really excited for the next chapter of my branding and my business. Now it feels like there’s a solid foundation that can build in to the business I’ve pictured, so much sooner.
Invest, invest, invest!!! This feels like the biggest accomplishment.
If you feel like you’re drowning now, you’ll feel on top of the world after you work with Krista.
I’m am so beyond grateful and so happy we got to work together.”