Business coaching and online education to help you launch or grow a profitable, sustainable wedding business that fits your lifestyle.

But the butterflies soon fade when your revenue doesn’t reflect the hours you put in—the competition is only getting thicker—and you feel guilty about working around the clock on your “side hustle” or slacking on your childcare “shifts” one day and not being committed enough to your business the next. Been there, done that!
You don’t have to do business alone, friend.
My goal is to share my decades of industry experience and hard-won knowledge with you, so you have a clear plan for taking your wedding business to that next level you’re pining for without working 80 weddings a year.
It’s easy to fall in love with the wedding industry and get weak-kneed over the opportunity to build a creative livelihood, be your own boss, and break for snacks whenever you want...
Who do I work with?
Ambitious wedding pros and planners like you who are ready to…
Start a wedding business with confidence, prepare to take your wedding business full-time with your sanity intact, or grow a more profitable and sustainable wedding business.
Stop spending all hours working IN your business and get clear on your bigger growth strategy, so all you have to do to create the results you want is follow your plan.
Design seamless processes that support your client-focused approach without wasting your money on fancy, complex software that isn’t required (yet or ever) and has a sucky ROI.
Audit your packages and pricing, so you can create offers that better suit your ideal client and desired lifestyle, especially when you need to work around nap times and childcare schedules.
Create a personalized marketing strategy that attracts more ideal clients, repels price-shoppers, and stands out from the boring portfolio-pushing all your samsie competitors focus on.
And you want to learn from someone who…
Has over two decades of wedding industry experience and will snap you out of that romantic idealism (with love!) to offer a realistic perspective of the unique challenges you need to be prepared for.
Promotes organic marketing, built an 83k+ Pinterest following without any ad spend, and believes that you’ve got to show your personality (not just your work) to attract the clients you want most.
Knows all about the struggles of bouncing between boss life and mom life—and is out to prove that doing it all isn’t about doing it all a) perfectly or b) on your own.
Thinks “everyone has the same 24 hours” and cookie-cutter business advice is total BS, because we all have different goals, strengths, and circumstances we’re working with.
Encourages you to build your business around your lifestyle, not the other way around.
Clarify your goals, design your ideal life and business, and define your version of work-life balance
— based on your actual time reality, not the Monday-to-Friday-9-to-5 box you think you’re supposed to fit in.
Make growing your wedding business less stressful:
Design Your Dream Wedding Business
I’ve tailored my signature program DYDWB for an intimate group setting for wedding pros and planners. It’s the same amazing content and resources—with a collaborative and supportive community built-in. Whether you’re an aspiring wedding pro who wants to set yourself up for success from day one or you’re established and you want to run your wedding business with less stress, I’m here to help you get the clarity, mentorship, and expertise you need to take your wedding business to the next level.
For Wedding Planners & Pros
Each program is tailored to your service category and stage in business. We’ll team up for 3 to 6 months to launch or revamp your wedding in a way that fits your lifestyle.
We’ll tackle how you can be better equipped to say bye to those red-flaggers, build a marketing plan that doesn’t require you to spend your life on social media, and get your business processes streamlined so you can save wads of time. Start working smarter, not harder!
Mini Consult
Pick My Brain
In your private consultation we can cover just about anything. Looking for an audit of your packages and pricing, need help narrowing down your ideal client, or want to brainstorm a 90-day social media strategy together? These mini consults are jam-packed with strategy just for you and your business, giving you an opportunity to tap into my expertise and get a quick win.
Investment: Book one 90-minute virtual consult for only $299 or 3 for $849 (+ applicable taxes).

Feeling stuck?
Learn online anytime, anywhere
If you’re a DIY-er and you’re ready to take your wedding business to the next level, I’ve got some digital downloads, resources, and courses to help you save time and look more professional.