Gianna got out of overwhelm mode, and re-inspired to work ON her business:

“After five years in business I was feeling uninspired, overwhelmed, and like I was about to quit and start waitressing again!


Resetting on my own felt almost impossible.


My biggest concern ahead of joining the program was not feeling like I had enough knowledge of this industry. Impostor syndrome much?

I picked up so many tidbits along the way, particularly oriented to the planning process.


Coaching and one-on-one time with Krista was the mirror I needed to see what I was doing that did and didn’t click.


Now I’m more aware of my business foundation and the inner workings, along with what I need and want to do for my goals in the future. It was a reminder, and the permission I needed, to get out of the headspace of constantly serving clients, and work on my business too. I understand now that it’s okay to set time aside for this.

Following Design Your Dream Wedding Business I have new confidence in my booking and client onboarding process.


Now I have the tools to overhaul parts of my business that I didn’t even know were holding me back.


Krista was refreshingly honest, thoughtful, and genuinely helpful with any questions I had.

Thank you for everything! I will definitely keep up with coaching as new ideas and challenges pop up.”



Patricia launched her new business with essential templates:


Tiziana struggled with next steps: